Oakmont Farmers Market’s Fall Food Swap will take place Tuesday, September 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Community Room of the Haverford Township Free Library, 1601 Darby Road in Havertown.
The event is “part silent auction/part village marketplace/part fun-loving open house where your home grown, homemade or foraged creations become your own personal currency for use in swapping with other participants,” according to the Oakmont Farmers Market.
To Register, click here.
All swap items must be homemade, homegrown, or foraged by you. Bring an assortment of your homemade edible specialties to exchange for other handcrafted delights. It is suggested that you bring 10 to 15 items.
Swap participants will be given free entry; a donation jar will be available to help cover the cost of supplies and to support the Oakmont Farmers Market. The Oakmont Farmers Market will provide swapping cards, name tags, tables, and organization for the event.