Trusted advice from Happy Clients
Thursday, 06 June 2013
by The Kevin Toll Group
I always enjoy helping others…just like this client with a growing family!
- Published in Home Buyers, Home Sellers, My Realtor Experiences
Spring Seller’s Tips
Friday, 19 March 2010
by The Kevin Toll Group
Now that the snow has melted and you are thinking about putting your home on the market, make sure you do some early spring cleaning. The snow may have caused yard erosion, branches to break, or revealed yard waste, make sure your yard is in tip-top shape so potential buyers are not turned off by
- Published in Uncategorized
10 Big-Impact, Low-Cost Remodeling Projects for Homesellers
Friday, 05 March 2010
by The Kevin Toll Group
10 Big-Impact, Low-Cost Remodeling Projects Selling your home? Want the most money you can get for your home? Have little cash for upgrades? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, here are 10 budget friendly enhancements you can do to make your home stand out. 1. Tidy up kitchen cabinets. “Potential buyers
- Published in Uncategorized